Wednesday, February 20, 2013

4 Year Well Check

4 year well check= 4 shots:(
Blake and Emerson handled their 4 year check-ups like champs, shots and all.

Blake's Stats- up 3.8 lbs from last year
weight- 36.8 lb (50th percentile)
height- 40 1/2" (50th percentile)

Emerson's Stats- up 4.5 lbs from last year
weight- 33 lb (25th percentile)
height- 39 3/4" (50th percentile)

Monday, February 18, 2013

Snow Day

Saturday afternoon our church hosted a snow day. The kids got to play in the snow and fly down a fun snow slide. There were arts and crafts, barbeque for lunch, and even s'mores for dessert. The kiddos had a blast! There's nothing like playing in the snow when it's almost 80 degrees outside!


Happy Valentines Birthday!

Thursday morning Emerson and I were the first ones up like always. Jeremy had two dozen roses (a dozen for me, a dozen for Em) waiting for us and some fun balloons. I gave Emerson her first present of the day at 6 AM, a pretty heart necklace to wear to school. This is a tradition I started for her that I'm sure I will one day regret! ;-)

 She loved her new necklace!
 The kiddos had a great day at school (thank you to all the school friend moms for making them feel so special at their class party!), a special lunch with Grammy and Grandpa, and we had another little party when Jeremy and I got home from work. First, Grammy and Grandpa gave them their presents- new balance bikes!

 Then we headed inside to open the presents that were sent by other family members. Are these kiddos spoiled or what?!

 Hugs for Grammy and Grandpa, then we were off to dinner.

They had a very special day and are thrilled that they are FOUR! Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Happy Birthday, Blake and Emerson!

 I can't believe our 5 lb 14 oz baby girl and 6 lb baby boy are four. I cried a couple times their birthday week just thinking about how big they are getting. People told me it goes fast, but I never would have imagined that it's this fast! Not only do I no longer have my twin babies, I don't even have my twin toddlers. What a difference a year makes! Blake and Emerson's little personalities shine through more and more each day. They have unique thoughts and ideas and are really becoming remarkable little people. I am so proud of them and feel so blessed to be their mom and have the opportunity to guide them through their life.

Emerson is FOUR!

My Precious Emmie-Belle,

I cannot believe you are four. I told you that it made me sad that you were getting older, and you promised that you would stay four forever. I think that's a great idea. You are so much fun. Life for you revolves around pretty "girly" things and your friends. Your favorite "girly" things are your dress-up clothes, everything princess, dresses with accessories, baby dolls, and just about anything pink or purple. Friends mean everything to you, and you are extremely loyal to them. Your teacher told us you are one of the most empathetic preschoolers that she's had. That makes us so proud. Your current besties are Kathryn, Landri, and Charlotte. You talk non-stop about Cayce (your very first crush). You're already trying to decide your something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue for your wedding. I love that you tell me all about your days and everything that happens with your friends. I hope you continue to do that as you get older! My favorite is that you say Blake is your best friend. I tell you that he will be your best friend for your whole life, and that always puts a smile on your face. You have become really, really funny! You like to be silly and you've started to create your own jokes; it doesn't take you long to have people laughing. You love new experiences, meeting new people, and making new friends. I love your spirit and your positive energy; it will take you far in life. Happy 4th Birthday sweet girl.

To the moon and back- XOXO, 

Blake is FOUR!

My Sweet Blake,

At 4 years old you are all boy! Your absolute favorite toys are your trucks (all 1000 of them!), you love to run, ride your bike, jump off furniture (although I tell you not to; ), play baseball, swim, climb trees, and play with play dough. Every night we sing songs and read books. You sing America the Beautiful every night when we turn the lights out and it melts my heart each time. You always request for me to sing some other America song. Your favorite book is Henry Ford, Eat My Dust and Otis. You have always been good with your hands and this year is no exception. Your lego creations are really cool and you build the tallest, most creative buildings with your magnatiles. Just like your Mommy, you love vacations. The cabin, the ranch, and Park City are regular topics of conversation. You also often talk about Grammy and Grandpa's boat at Canyon Lake and the marina there. You have several close friends (Ethan, Casey, and Charlie are your current best pals). In new situations you prefer to observe and you prefer to be in smaller groups. For you, familiar is better. You LOVE parties and play dates with your pals and you play beautifully with Emerson. You make me so proud the way you watch out for your little sister. You've grown up so much this year it's unbelievable. My chubby little toddler is gone and has been replaced by a loving, creative, energetic, sometimes stubborn, inquisitive little boy. I love you with all my heart and can't wait to find out what fun new adventures are in store for your 4th year of life.

To the moon and back- XOXO,