Saturday, September 7, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

80 degree weather- check, running creek- check, rainstorms- check, lots of good food and drinks- check, happy kids-check....We had a perfect Labor Day weekend at the cabin! :)

 My favorite of the weekend- Blake giving Emerson the flower he picked for her:)

 Blake has become the master at finding worms.
 Emerson turned this one into her baby. She made it a bed and food and named it Squirmy the Wormy.
 The apples were plentiful on Orchard Lane!

Both kids were able to test out their biking skills. Blake got very brave going through puddles and down hills.

 Gotta love this face!
 Jeremy was out mountain biking when a HUGE storm came through. This picture doesn't quite capture it, but he was soaked when he returned.

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