Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Chiming Cherubs

A couple of weeks ago, the kids joined the preschool bell choir at church. The group practices every Wednesday night and performs at various functions throughout the year. Blake lasted one class and said it's "not his thing" and threw a massive tantrum to not go again. I decided that it probably just "isn't his thing" so Emerson is doing this one solo. This group has been keeping her busy! She has already performed at the Thanksgiving Eve service, an advent festival, a community center, and last night she performed at a senior living center. She is enjoying it and has met some fun new friends. She loves being on stage except for one performance where she got a bit stage fright. I took a ton of pictures at the first few performances, and decided to leave my camera in my purse at last night's show. In the middle of her song Emerson yelled to me in the back of the room, "MOM! Take my picture!" So...out came the camera again! :)

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